Surgery Spotlight: Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy: Part I
Surgical Videos, Surgery Spotlight, Breast, Arthur Salibian MD, Jay K. Harness MD; Memben

In this video, Arthur Salibian, MD teams up with oncologic breast surgeon, Jay Harness, MD to demonstrate a nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM) performed through an infra-mammary approach.
Arthur Salibian, MD; Jay K. Harness, MD
Arthur Salibian, MD; Jay K. Harness, MD
Drs. Salibian and Harness have nothing to disclose. All ASPS staff members managing this activity have no relevant financial relationships or affiliations to disclose. All identified conflicts of interest have been resolved and the educational content thoroughly vetted by ASPS for fair balance, scientific objectivity, and appropriateness of patient care recommendations. The ASPS also requires faculty/authors to disclose when off-label/unapproved uses of a product are discussed in a CME activity or included in related materials.
This product is not certified for CME.
Drs. Salibian and Harness have nothing to disclose. All ASPS staff members managing this activity have no relevant financial relationships or affiliations to disclose. All identified conflicts of interest have been resolved and the educational content thoroughly vetted by ASPS for fair balance, scientific objectivity, and appropriateness of patient care recommendations. The ASPS also requires faculty/authors to disclose when off-label/unapproved uses of a product are discussed in a CME activity or included in related materials.
This product is not certified for CME.