Surgery Spotlight: Superomedial Pedicle Breast Reduction Part 2 - Patient Markings
Surgical Videos, surgery spotlight, Breast, Elizabeth Hall-Findlay MD; Memben, breast reduction, breast meridian, inframmamary fold, nipple position, Content Codes-VI.E.3.a. (COSM) Diagnosis, Content Codes-VI.E.3 (COSM) Mammary ptosis, Content Codes-VI.E.1.b. (COSM)Surgical therapy, Content Codes-VI.E.2.(COSM) Mammary hypoplasia, Content Codes-VI.E.1. (COSM)Mammary hypertrophy, Content Codes-VI.E.3.b. (COSM) Surgical techniques, Content Codes-VI.E.2.a. (COSM) Techniques for correction

In this video, Elizabeth Hall-Findlay, MD, demonstrates how she marks a patient for breast reduction surgery to achieve the operative goals while maintaining breast symmetry. She discusses the importance of and how to determine the upper breast border, shows how to mark the breast meridian, and how to measure and mark for an appropriate new nipple position before discussing blood supply and marking the inframmamary fold.
Elizabeth Hall-Findlay, MD
This product is not certified for CME.
Elizabeth Hall-Findlay, MD
This product is not certified for CME.