Surgery Spotlight: Superomedial Pedicle Breast Reduction Part 5 - Right Breast Operative Procedure
surgery spotlight, Surgical Videos, Breast, Elizabeth Hall-Findlay MD; Memben

In this video, Elizabeth Hall-Findlay, MD, demonstrates a superomedial vertical breast reduction procedure on the right breast of a 20-year-old patient. At the outset, as the patient is prone on the operating table, she retraces the markings previously made while the patient was standing up, performs the "pinch test" and outlines the excess tissue that will be removed. She discusses her infiltration strategy, outlines the blood supply topography of the breast and then performs the initial incisions and de-epithelization and discusses the different pedicle options and innervation before removing the inferior wedge of breast tissue. She then completes the operation and uses liposuction to refine the result.
Elizabeth Hall-Findlay, MD
This product is not certified for CME.
Elizabeth Hall-Findlay, MD
This product is not certified for CME.