Surgery Spotlight: Aesthetic Reconstruction of the Nose: First Stage Transfer and Immediate Operation Aesthetic Reconstruction of the Nose
surgery spotlight, Surgical Videos, Reconstructive, Microsurgery, Frederick J. Menick MD; Memben

This video, narrated by Frederick J. Menick, MD, demonstrates first stage transfer and intermediate operation for aesthetic reconstruction of the nose.
This material is presented thanks to a generous licensing grant from Elsevier, and is taken from Plastic Surgery: 6-Volume Set, 3rd Edition edited by Peter C. Neligan, MD. "Three-Stage Folded Forehead Flap" appears in Volume 3: Craniofacial, Head and Neck Surgery and Pediatric Plastic Surgery.
Frederick J. Menick, MD
Neligan, P. C. (Ed.). (2012). Plastic Surgery: 6-Volume, 3rd Edition. Philadelphia: Saunders.
DisclosureThis video was published with permission from Elsevier.
This product is not certified for CME.