Surgery Spotlight: Large Transverse Panniculectomy
surgery spotlight, Surgical Videos, Reconstructive, Microsurgery, Jeffrey Kozlow MD; Memben

In this video, Jeffrey Kozlow, MD performs a Large Transverse Panniculectomy on a patient that is in need of a hysterectomy. The patient is a 60-year-old woman who was initially sent to the clinic for an endometrial malignancy that required a hysterectomy. Her abdomen could not be accessed without the removal of a large, symptomatic, overhanging pannus that extended to her mid thighs. Dr. Kozlow explains that the most significant challenge with this operation is the management of the patient in the preoperative and postoperative stages. This patient underwent a 29.9 pound panniculectomy which allowed for her to have her oncologic procedure at the same time. Dr. Kozlow walks through the stages of the panniculectomy procedure including: incision design, surgical technique, and risk reduction measures. The overall goal is to perform an efficient and effective operation that not only provides significant benefit to the patient, but also minimizes the post-operative risks associated with this type of procedure.
Jeffrey Kozlow, MD
This product is not certified for CME.
Jeffrey Kozlow, MD
This product is not certified for CME.