Surgery Spotlight: Inframammary Fold Subpectoral Silicone Gel Breast Augmentation
surgery spotlight, Surgical Videos, Aesthetic, Rod J. Rohrich MD; Memben

In this video, Rod Rohrich, MD performs a breast augmentation using silicone gel implants on a woman who wishes to regain the upper pole fullness she had prior to pregnancy. In this video, Dr. Rohrich discusses the benefits of using the inframammary fold, subpectoral approach with a smooth, round silicone gel implant. He demonstrates the markings for the operation and the rationale behind them, and discusses how breast diameter, base dimension and ptosis play into decision-making for proper implant sizing. During the operation, he demonstrates the elevation of the pectoralis major and the importance of not “over-releasing” the muscle in patients without a lot of breast tissue. He shows the aureolar plane dissection, and discusses his preference in placing implant sizers prior to final implant placement. He also discusses the importance of establishing hemostasis to prevent capsular contracture, his procedure in using triple antibiotic solution after hemostasis has been achieved, and his methodology for closure and post-surgical care.
Rod J. Rohrich, MD
Rod J. Rohrich, MD
Dr. Rohrich has a book royalties relationship with Quality Medical Publishing and an instrument royalties relationship with Micrins Instruments .All ASPS staff members managing this activity have no relevant financial relationships or affiliations to disclose. All identified conflicts of interest have been resolved and the educational content thoroughly vetted by ASPS for fair balance, scientific objectivity, and appropriateness of patient care recommendations. The ASPS also requires faculty/authors to disclose when off-label/unapproved uses of a product are discussed in a CME activity or included in related materials.
This product is not certified for CME.
Dr. Rohrich has a book royalties relationship with Quality Medical Publishing and an instrument royalties relationship with Micrins Instruments .All ASPS staff members managing this activity have no relevant financial relationships or affiliations to disclose. All identified conflicts of interest have been resolved and the educational content thoroughly vetted by ASPS for fair balance, scientific objectivity, and appropriateness of patient care recommendations. The ASPS also requires faculty/authors to disclose when off-label/unapproved uses of a product are discussed in a CME activity or included in related materials.
This product is not certified for CME.